Tips for a safe road travel

Tips for a safe road travel


7 tips for a safe road trip


You can forget your sunglasses, agenda, luggage or cell phone...

But something a driver can never miss is prevention.

Whether it is pleasure or business trip, long or short, alone or in a group, it has to be there as your travel partner, ensuring that everything goes most comfortably and safely, both for the vehicle and its passengers.

At Hertz Costa Rica we are aware of the importance of preventing risks and that´s why we want to share with you seven tips for a safe and hassle-free road trip. Take note and make sure you go and come back safe and sound!

Respect speed limits

Pay attention to the street signs and always respect speed limits. Otherwise, you may get a speeding ticket from approximately $164 to $486, according to the exchange rate. Research shows that the risk of an accident doubles every 20 km/h after 80 km/h. Slowing down when indicated, anticipating curves, or being aware of foggy areas are key factors in a road trip

Fasten your seat belt

The seatbelt is the main responsible – after the driver – for ensuring everyone travels safely. It cut the risk of being injured or killed by 50%. Please buckle in tight the minute after getting into the car and invite other passengers to do so. It is proven that people who use it are more likely to survive an accident.

Avoid distractions

Your attention must be 100% on the road. Leave your cell phone, magazines, maps, newspapers, food, or makeup alone when you´re behind the wheel. Any distraction, no matter how small, can be lethal. In case you need, for example, to review a document, ask the co-pilot for help. If you travel alone, find first a safe place to stop completely and turn on the emergency lights.

Don't drive tired

If it is a previously planned trip, try to rest enough before jumping onto the road. Get at least two consecutive seven hours of sleep to build up energy reserves. Try to travel in the morning, when you are more awake, and not after a long working day or a tiring flight. Take regular breaks – 10 to 15 minutes – for every two hours traveled to refresh yourself, stretch your legs, and keep your senses alert.

Check the car first

If you have time, take it to a quick maintenance appointment at your local garage, or, at least stop into a service station to check basic issues: oil levels, wiper blades, antifreeze, brake fluid, and tire pressure. Don´t forget the spare tire and tools such as a hydraulic jack and a cross wrench. Guarantee yourself a safe trip with no mechanical failures.

Have an emergency and first aid kits

Neither the vehicle nor its occupants are free from an emergency. For the first one, we recommend a vehicle emergency kit that includes tweezers, screwdrivers, fuses, jumper cables, a flashlight, and a fire extinguisher in good condition. Go further and carry on a couple of liters of water and extra oil. And for passengers, have a first aid kit that allows you to act fast in case of an accident, while medical help arrives.

Avoid lonely places

Always stay located with a map or applications like Waze and avoid entering lonely or dangerous places. Get well-informed about the spots you are going to visit and follow authorities’ recommendations. Stay in touch with your family or friends about your plans and the routes you are going to take. And if, for any reason, you need to stop, look for gas stations or auto parks.


Follow these tips and avoid taking unnecessary risks on the road. Remember that your beloved ones are waiting for you and the most important thing is that you get a safe and well round trip. To contribute to this goal, at Rent a Car we offer several protection packages with roadside assistance (Titanium, Silver, or Gold), available together with your rented car. Ask for them through our contact points and take care of yourself and your travel partners the next time you rent a car. Have a happy and safe road trip!

Reserve now:, email:, or phone numbers: 4036-7422 / 7235-8722


Article written by:

José Ricardo Carballo Villalobos

Works as a journalist, blogger, writer, and freelance copywriter. He is a frequent press columnist, co-director of the digital media La Revista CR, and administrator of the current affairs blog: For more information about the author, visit his website or Facebook





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